Gresik United In Future, Good Suggestion for You

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Product Highlights

* Recover ALL your hard drive's data
* Safe, read-only design
* Three easy steps
* Advanced options for the advanced user
* Free to try
* Free lifetime updates with purchase
* Run GetDataBack from a Boot Disk

GetDataBack is more than an undelete or file recovery program or a system restore.

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing.

Get everything back, The safe and easy way.

Advanced algorithms make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Our software enables an inexperienced user to conduct their own data recovery by guiding them through three easy to understand steps. If you are an advanced user there are options to adjust the recovery process and improve the results.

Free to try

Download the trial version and recover your files. You can preview your data to be sure it actually works. If you like the results you do not need run the program again. Purchase the license key and enter it into the open program. Then copy everything you need!

Free lifetime updates

GetDataBack comes with free updates for the lifetime of the software. Unlike competitors who require you to buy a new version every year, our first GetDataBack customers from 2001 are still enjoying the newest versions of our software!

Recover files over your local network or serial cable

This feature enables you to run GetDataBack on one computer ("remote") while accessing the drives of another computer ("host"). Recovering data over a network is useful, especially when you are not able to remove the drive you want to recover from and attach it to another computer. Just download HDHost and install it on the computer you want to recover data from.