Gresik United In Future, Good Suggestion for You


Desak is a great beauty.

LEFT: The groom
RIGHT: Kepaon's lone hottie gets fed.

The groom and his mother , before the convoy leaves for Ubud,in the family house shrine.

The grooms grandmother, Niniang Agung, and her sister.

The groom with his dad in the North pavilion of Desak's Ubud home, waiting for the bride to emmerge.

Ida Bagus Eka with his mother and the dream makeup team from Pejeng: a picture in purple!!

LEFT: Dayu Gek, a bit sad, as her brother is marrying.
RIGHT: Megastar of this merajan, dayu gade sibang and dayu siap empug her lady in waiting.

LEFT: The groom's sister-in-law, the ravishing Dayu Sibang woos a courtyard full of cousins and
a prince from the Pemecutan Palace(the moncol vassal/wakil) in the house's main court.
RIGHT: The groom looking gorgeous!

LEFT: Desak's brother is a great beauty too.

Grooms father, Ida Bagus Suteja, Bendesa Adat Kepaon, on the phone, with
an uncle.....greeting guests at the GERIA front gate.