Gresik United In Future, Good Suggestion for You

An expert wisdom (hukama) write in the words of lesson:

"Our arrival in the world, once out of the womb of the mother, was greeted cheerfully smiles, even laughter. All people, especially relatives, merry merry, while we cry to scream.
What is the future when we leave the world, the situation will remain the same. Other people laughed kepergiaan accompany us. They are happy because we lack. They feel free from cruelty and injustice that we do during life, while we own cries, poignant, sad because it did not have his good deeds for the stock in the afterlife and fear of punishment of God.
It would be nice if the situation was turned over one hundred and eighty degrees, when dead, a smile on our lips, because optimistic with what we are doing good deeds when alive, would be the eternal capital of natural cover full of grace and mercy of God, while others lament the passing us and our good. "