Gresik United In Future, Good Suggestion for You

☻☺Bagaimana dengan julukan tim favorit Anda?☺☻

* Afrika Selatan : Bafana Bafana (The Boys) -- Banyana Banyana (The Girls) untuk tim putri
* Aljazair : Les Fennecs (The Desert Foxes), Les Verts (The Greens), Les Guerriers du Desert (The Deset Warriors)
* Amerika Serikat: Sons of Sam, The Yanks, MNT (Men's National Team)
* Argentina : La Albiceleste (White and Sky blue)
* Australia : The Socceroos
* Belanda : Oranje, The Flying Dutchmen, Clockwork Orange, Het Nederlands Elftal (The Dutch Eleven)
* Brasil : Canarinho (Little Canary), A Selecao (The Selection), Verde-Amarela (Green and Yellow), The Samba Kings, Scratch du oro (Golden Squad)
* Cile : La Roja (The Red One), El Equipo de Todos (Everybody's Team)
* Denmark : Danish Dynamite, Olsen-Banden (The Olsen Gang), Olsens Elleve (Olsen's Eleven) mengacu pada nama pelatih Morten Olsen
* Ghana : The Black Stars
* Honduras : Los Catrachos, La Bicolor (diambil dari warna bendera Honduras)
* Inggris : The Three Lions
* Italia : Gli Azzurri (The Blues), La Nazionale (The National)
* Jepang : The Samurai Blue, Nippon Daihyo
* Jerman : Die Mannschaft (The Team), Die DFB-Elf (The DFB-Eleven), tapi lebih dikenal dengan julukan Der Panzer
* Kamerun : Les Lions Indomptables (The Indomitable Lions)
* Korea Selatan : Taeguk Warriors -- konsep ying dan yang dan ajaran Tao, meski kadang pendukung kerap menyebut tim dengan Tigers of Asia dan Red Devils
* Korea Utara -- Choillima (kuda terbang dalam mitos Asia)
* Meksiko : El Tri (The Three-colored), El Gigante De CONCACAF (The Giant of CONCACAF)
* Nigeria : Super Eagles
* Pantai Gading : Les Éléphants (The Elephants)
* Paraguay : Guaraníes (suku Indian asli Paraguay), La Albirroja (White and Red)
* Portugal : Seleccao das Quinas (Selection of the Shields), Os Navegadores (The Navigators)
* Prancis : Les Bleus (The Blues), L'Équipe Tricolore (The Tri-color Team)
* Selandia Baru : All Whites, The Kiwis
* Serbia : Beli Orlovi (White Eagles)
* Slovakia : Bojovni Jondovci (The Fighting Jondas), Repre
* Slovenia : Zmajceki (Dragons)
* Spanyol : La Furia (The Fury), La Furia Española (The Spanish Fury), La Furia Roja (The Red Fury)
* Swiss : Schweizer Nati (The Switzlerland National)
* Uruguay : Charrúas (suku Indian asli Uruguay, La Celeste Olímpica (The Olympic Sky Blue), La Celeste (The Sky Blue)
* Yunani : To Piratiko (The Pirate Ship), Ethniki (The Team)