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Avira Premium Security Suite offers complete protection for your computer: firewall, antivirus, spyware, antitroyan, scanner-mail and anti-phishing module. Supported refresh in the program and database via the Internet. Repeatedly marked and recognized by millions of users of the software with the functions of protection against viruses and malware are now equipped with personal firewall and antispam module.

In addition to scanning and monitoring system, it also allows you to check e-mail SMTP-traffic. As for checking incoming mail, then it is available only to Premium-version, for which, alas, have to pay (the price - 20 euros). The undoubted benefits of AntiVir Personal Edition Classic can be attributed the fact that the program not only protects the user from viruses, worms and Trojans, but also from "dialers, joke programs, rootkits and phishing. Maintain and heuristic analysis, and the user can independently set the menu level of its depth. Spyware and adware, this version can not detect, such protection is only available in AntiVir Permium. Found malware can be removed immediately, or placed in quarantine. Antivirus vendors provides an opportunity to work on a predetermined schedule.

Some features:
- Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
- Locking of hidden dial toll on resources
- Detection and elimination of programs, rootkits
- Protection from phishing attacks
- Increased scan speed
- Pleasant and convenient program interface

Premium Security Protection:
• AntiVir stops all types of viruses
• AntiAd / Spyware eliminates ad / spyware
• AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
• AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
• AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
• AntiBot prevents dangerous bot networks
• EmailScannerEnhanced email protection
• WebGuard protection against malicious websites
• RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
• BackupSystem configurable data backup solution
• AntiSpam filters out unwanted emails
• FireWall protection against hackers
• GameMode uninterrupted game play
• QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button NEW!
• NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution NEW!
• ParentalControl block websites unsuitable for children NEW!

Highlights from the WebGuard:
• Checks Internet downloads against viruses
• Recognizes defective files before they are loaded on your computer
• Affected websites can be blocked, isolated or ignored
• Specific files and URLs can be excluded from the examination
• Works independently from the browser you are using

Operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, SP 4
- Microsoft Windows XP Home or Professional, SP2
- Microsoft Windows Vista (32 or 64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 Bit)