Gresik United In Future, Good Suggestion for You

Dear colleagues,

Today is my last working day in PT. TEAC Electronics Indonesia. Indeed, today is a big day to me after almost 2 years for spending my work, effort, spirit, career and time in the company and also in Batam. As generally, I am pleased to joint in PT. TEAC Electronics Indonesia.
Thank you to Mr. Matsuyama and Mr. Manto who had interviewed me on September 15, 2005. You had given opportunity and trusted me for occupying the job as Incoming QA Supervisor - Supplier Quality Engineer.
And also my direct superior, Mr.Hoga for all the sincere supports, advises, coaching, insights and trust to me.

To my PQA Team (Mr. Arif, Mr. Monang, Mr. Aris, Mrs. Rusdiana, Mrs. Tri Sulis, Mrs. Desy, Mrs. Fatma, Mrs. Choy, Mrs. Nana, Mrs. Nelly, Mrs. Lastri, Mrs. Sri, Mrs. Natalia, Mrs. Pipin, Mr. Surya, all PQA Inspector and All IPQ Member), my gratitude to have worked with you all. Thank you for all the supports and cooperation and also I am pleased to joint with PQA Team. Focus with your goal and believed that you can achieve it.
Mr. Yamagame, Mr. Takeyama, Mr. Gamou, Mr. Satoh and Mr. Sekine, Thank you for your advice and support. I am pleased to know, studied and cooperation with yours.
Mr. Maruta, Mr. Tony, Mr. Okta, Mr. Horas, Mr. Jati, Mr. Puadi, Mr. Jony, Mr. Putu, Mr. Joko, Mr. Tetra, Mr. Dian, Mr. Rendra and all Engineering Department Team.
Mr. Judi, Mr. Mulyadi, Mr. Didik, Mr. Yofy, Mr. Delfa, Mr. Panca, Mrs. Ipunk, Mrs. Imut and all Production Department Team.
Mr. Nojima, Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Darsuin.Mr. Asghar, Mr. Anwar, Mr. Samron and all SCM Department Team.
Mr. Otta, Mr. Erwin, Mr. Dhony, Mr. Andre and all IT-Finance Department Team.
Mr. Bambang, Mr. Iwan and all HR GA Department Teams.
We are good partner. Thank you for your cooperative and support as long as 2 years.
The REMITA colleagues (Remaja Majelis Ta’lim PT. TEAC Electronics Indonesia), FUTSAL Mania and KAGAMA (Keluarga Gadjah Mada) colleagues, Thank you for your togetherness and friendship. I am pleased to know, studied, cooperation and social interactions with you all.
All of TEAC Electronics Indonesia members. Indeed, we are siblings of a BIG family and living in the same house. Believe that all family members have a common vision to make our own house as good as it can be for us to live on. Thank you for all the supports and cooperation during my time as one of the member trying to make one.
To all TEAC Indonesia members, please apologize of my shortcomings in my capacity as an individual (person), subordinates, superior, colleague and as a friend. Sometime during 2 Years, I might make you offended due to my words and actions. So, from my deepest heart, please apologize of my entire fault.
Kept spirit and do the best.
Now, it is my time to move on my way differs from yours. Take care you all.

Thank you and warmest regards,

Okasatria Novyanto
QA Supervisor - Supplier Quality Engineer
PT. TEAC Electronics Indonesia

"Jangan Takut jatuh sebelum melangkah, jangan takut gagal sebelum mencoba.
Dikehidupan ini hanya ada dua pilihan, yakni : sukses ataukah gagal.
Dan .... kesuksesan adalah milik kita yang berani mencoba"